Mokit is a flexible furniture system for temporary exhibitions, from pop-up stores to art galleries. These short termed events impose specific demand to furniture, for instance: ease of use, affordability and adaptability.
The sheet metal boxes can be used as display area, shelves, storage containers, counters, tables and stool. The perforated sheet metal makes a lightweight appearance, allowing light to come through the boxes. The bend sheet metal makes the boxes sturdy enough to be used as seats. The wooden handles make the boxes portable. To construct a counter or a table the boxes can be joint by clamping the handles together. This flexibility allows the boxes to be used as tables during the day’s program and as stools during the evening program.
In January 2019 we constructed a pop-up store to test the boxes as well as concept.
w/ Finn Lassen, Chen Xin, Benjamin Unterluggauer, Henrieke Neumeyer, Carolin Straka, Leon Clausen


The project started as a short project with a competition. The goal was to create a flexible furniture system for pop-up stores to tackle vacancies in inner cities. Our concept is based on different sized multi purpose boxes which can be used to display and store items and to create other furniture as stools, counters and tables.
Together with another project we won the competition. Together with the kieler wirtschaftsförderung, kiel marketing, referatkreativestadt and the anscharpark kiel we continued with the development of the boxes.

Building the 1:10 mockups.

The mockup boxes.

Building the 1:1 mockup box.

»Temporary exhibitions, from pop-up stores to art galleries, impose specific demand to furniture, for instance: ease of use, affordability and adaptability.«


Cardboard model of the sheet metal on wooden rods design.

Machine for bending the flaps on the sheet metal plates to clip them on the wooden rods.

Cutting the wooden rods to legths allows for customizing the furniture.

1:1 model of the sheet metal clipping on wooden rods design.


The final boxes are made out of perforated sheet metal and wooden handles. They are stable and sturdy, allowing them to be used as tables, counters and stools. The perforated metal allows light to shine through the boxes to create an open and light store. If the boxes are not in use, the handles can be dismounted with a few screws so that the boxes can be stacked.
Together with the fashion label NO TALENT and the other winner team of the competition we set up a pop-up store. For this store we built 50 boxes. During this time we extensively tested the boxes for practicability and perseverance.

»The boxes can be used to store and carry items, build shelves and display area, construct counters, tables and seats.«


»To show the flexibility of the furniture, it was a pop-up store on the weekdays and an event room on the weekend. On three weekends we had a party, an art gallery and a concert.«